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dc.contributor.authorMikhnenko, Galyna-
dc.contributor.authorAbsaliamova, Yana-
dc.identifier.citationMikhnenko G. The formation of intellectual mobility of engineering students through integration of foreign language education and professional training / G. Mikhnenko, Ya. Absaliamova // Advanced Education. – 2018. – Issue 9. – P. 33-38.uk
dc.description.abstractThe article deals with the problem of formation of intellectual mobility of engineering students through integration of foreign language education and professional training. Here the necessity of intellectual mobility formation through integration of foreign language education and professional training has been proved. Basing on theoretical research and practical experience, the structural and functional model for the formation of intellectual mobility of engineering students in a technical university has been developed. The following set of pedagogical conditions, which formed the core of the model, has been determined: 1) the change in the function of a teacher when he/she becomes the moderator of intellectual activities of students, in which the latter become active converters of information (due to the use of interactive teaching methods as well as information and communication technologies (ICT)); 2) purposeful development of students’ motivation to intellectual activity due to teacher’s consideration of their individual psychological characteristics; 3) integration of the content of foreign language education and professional training, vocational orientation of foreign language learning with the use of distance learning courses, intellectual games and brainstorming tasks. The effectiveness of the implementation of pedagogical conditions for the formation of intellectual mobility of engineering students has been checked. The peculiarities of the formation of intellectual mobility of specialists in engineering specialties and the development of a system of teaching and methodological complexes on their basis to ensure this process in the educational environment of a modern technical university have been proposed to be prospective directions for scientific research.uk
dc.subjectintellectual mobilityuk
dc.subjecttechnical universityuk
dc.subjecteducational environmentuk
dc.subjectpedagogical conditionsuk
dc.subjectinterdisciplinary integrationuk
dc.subjectінтелектуальна мобільністьuk
dc.titleThe formation of intellectual mobility of engineering students through integration of foreign language education and professional traininguk
dc.title.alternativeФормування інтелектуальної мобільності студентів-інженерів шляхом інтеграції іноземної мови та професійної підготовкиuk
local.contributor.altauthorМіхненко, Галина-
local.contributor.altauthorАбсалямова, Яна-
local.subject.sectionСоціально-гуманітарні наукиuk
local.sourceAdvanced Educationuk
local.sourceНовітня освітаuk
local.subject.facultyІнститут права та сучасних технологійuk
local.identifier.sourceВидання, які входять до міжнародних наукометричних БД Scopus та Web of Scienceuk
local.subject.departmentКафедра філології та перекладуuk
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