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dc.contributor.authorХарченко, Т. О.-
dc.contributor.authorБут, С. С.-
dc.identifier.citationХарченко Т. О. Моделі управління персоналом в сучасних умовах / Т. О. Харченко, С. С. Бут // Virtus: Scientific Journal. – 2018. – # 28, November. – P. 212-216.uk
dc.description.abstractУ статті визначено особливості управління персоналом підприємства в сучасних умовах. Управління персоналом – це процес цілеспрямованого впливу на людські ресурси організації, в якому потрібно орієнтуватися на встановлення відповідності між цілями організації і можливостями співробітників. Одним з елементів управлінської діяльності є менеджмент персоналу, саме менеджмент персоналом базується на узагальненому уявленні про місце співробітника в організації. Головна мета управління персоналом – забезпечення оптимального балансу процесів оновлення і збереження чисельного й якісного складу кадрів відповідно до потреб самої організації, вимог діючого законодавства та стану ринку праці. Доцільно відзначити, що правильно обрана кадрова стратегія забезпечує своєчасне укомплектування кадрами, що, в свою чергу, забезпечує безперебійне функціонування виробництва, стабілізацію колективу завдяки врахуванню інтересів персоналу, використання робочої сили за кваліфікацією і у відповідності зі спеціальною підготовкою. Обґрунтовано структуру управління персоналом в сучасних умовах. Досліджено елементи формування та розвитку системи управління персоналом підприємства. Визначено моделі управління персоналом підприємства.uk
dc.description.abstractThe essence of personnel management is defined in the article. Personnel management is a process of purposeful impact on the human resources of the organization, in which it is necessary to focus on establishing the correspondence between the goals of the organization and the capabilities of employees. One of the elements of managerial activity is personnel management, namely, personnel management is based on a generalized view of the place of employee in the organization. It is the concept of "governance" ambiguous. It can be interpreted from the point of view of personnel management, human resource management or just human. Despite the considerable number of scientific papers, the issue of improving the management of the personnel of the company based on the selection of effective management models always requires further resolution, especially in the context of computerization and automation of production processes. That is why the issue of personnel management is being paid more attention now. The questions of the effective work of production and the decision of problems related to the increase of competitiveness, profitability of any enterprise, institution, its stability are closed to the "quality" (qualitative) personnel, its potential. There are many directions of personnel management and when choosing a direction it is necessary to take into account the factors of the internal and external environment of the enterprise: the situation on the labor market, financial capabilities of the enterprise, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of existing personnel, requirements due to the specialization of the enterprise activity, strategy and mission of its development, demand for labor force from competitors, as well as labor law requirements. Prospects for the development of the enterprise in addition to the main economic component directly depends on the degree of involvement of staff in the process of improving the organization. In the framework of the choice of the main mechanisms of personnel management in modern conditions, one should dwell on the analysis of some work in the field of human resources management. In modern conditions, the management of personnel refers to the principled position of the enterprise in terms of training, retraining, staff development and provides the interaction of the employee and the enterprise, and not limited to the selection and selection of personnel. At any enterprise personnel policy should be given special attention. Personnel policy is expedient to develop taking into account opportunities, resources, and even traditions of the enterprise. Obviously, it is impossible to create an ideal model for personnel management for all enterprises and organizations. But the desire of the head to conduct an active, open management of personnel in their organization is a key to success. Personnel management can be private in nature when it comes to solving specific tasks (individual groups and categories of employees), and it is also general in nature when it applies to the staff of the enterprise as a whole. The main goal of the personnel management is to ensure an optimal balance of processes of updating and maintaining the numerical and qualitative personnel in accordance with the needs of the organization itself, the requirements of the current legislation and the state of the labor market. The level of awareness of those rules and norms, which are the basis of personnel activities, and related to this level of direct influence of the administrative apparatus on the personnel situation in the organization, give grounds to identify and characterize the following types of personnel management: passive, reactive, preventive, active. In addition, there are different models of human resources management. In recent years, the practice has clearly traced the interweaving of different models: American, Japanese and Western European. This shows the process of internationalization of modern management. The use of the process approach in the development of personnel management is a set of activities related to the creation, distribution and practical use of a set of methodological, methodological and procedural principles of such a construction of personnel management, in which it acts as a process in the network of interacting processes of the organization, optimization of which becomes possible thanks active borrowing of experience of other companies, introduction of new technologies, automation and formalization of activity and investments in the long-term roll. It is worth mentioning that a properly selected personnel strategy ensures timely staffing of personnel, which in turn. ensures uninterrupted functioning of production, stabilization of the team due to the consideration of the interests of staff, the use of labor in qualification and in accordance with special training. The structure of personnel management in modern conditions is substantiated. The elements of formation and development of the personnel management system of the enterprise are investigated. Models of enterprise personnel management are determined.uk
dc.subjectуправління персоналомuk
dc.subjectмоделі управління персоналомuk
dc.subjectкадровий потенціалuk
dc.subjectнапрямки вдосконалення кадрового потенціалуuk
dc.subjectpersonnel managementuk
dc.subjectmodels of personnel managementuk
dc.subjectpersonnel potentialuk
dc.subjectdirections for improving human resourcesuk
dc.titleМоделі управління персоналом в сучасних умовахuk
dc.title.alternativeFeatures of personnel management in consulting firmsuk
local.contributor.altauthorKharchenko, T. A.-
local.contributor.altauthorBut, S. S.-
local.subject.sectionЕкономіка, фінанси, менеджментuk
local.sourceVirtus: Scientific Journaluk
local.subject.facultyФакультет економіки та бізнесуuk
local.identifier.sourceЗарубіжні виданняuk
local.subject.departmentКафедра менеджменту та публічного адмініструванняuk
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