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dc.contributor.authorPavlov, V.en
dc.identifier.citationPavlov V. Providing of intense textile industry enterprises development by applying creative management technologies = Забезпечення інтенсивного розвитку підприємств текстильної промисловості за допомогою творчого використанням технологій управління [Текст] / V. Pavlov // Менеджмент. - 2016. - Вип. 24. - С. 72-80.uk
dc.description.abstractProviding intensive development of textile industry in Ukraine is a priority of these enterprises management in modern conditions. Recent studies show that in market conditions applying creative technologies in the management of enterprises is an effective way to stimulate the development, however, raises questions about the rationality and creation of order and implementation of creative technologies as a way of stimulating the same intensive enterprise development, specifically to a particular industry. These circumstances led to the performance of the research, which aims at theoretical study and formation of ways to ensure intensive nature of textile industry using creative technologies management. Basic method used to study ways in which it is necessary to activate textile industry in Ukraine is a survey using the methodology and Student criterion to justify the number of respondents. Based on this research was confirmed the hypothesis about the importance of creative revitalization of Ukraine textile industry by intensifying the implementation of creative ideas (score 3.94, which is higher than the average of 3.73 in characterizing the development priorities). By generalization and induction was singled out existing problems in the development of creative activity in enterprises through the strategic targets of enterprise development, describing it as extensive, which significantly limits the potential of the creative ideas implementation. As a result, was generated recommendations aimed at ensuring the intensification of the creative activity of textile industry (optimization of cost factors, value chain and strategic positioning) and of the development in general. This made it possible to identify and confirm the link between the intensification of creative activities and the development of Ukraine textile industry enterprises and determine the conditions and directions of activation of such development.en
dc.subjectdevelopment prioritiesen
dc.subjectthe system of creative managementen
dc.titleProviding of intense textile industry enterprises development by applying creative management technologiesen
local.contributor.altauthorПавлов, В.uk
local.source.numberВип. 24uk
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