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dc.contributor.authorТкаченко, О. В.uk
dc.contributor.authorЯрмоленко, С. Ю.uk
dc.identifier.citationТкаченко О. В. Економічні фактори при обранні варіантів електролітів лужного та кислого цинкування [Текст] / О. В. Ткаченко, С. Ю. Ярмоленко // Promising materials and processes in applied electrochemistry – 2020 : monograph / ed.: V. Z. Barsukov, Yu. V. Borysenko, V. G. Khomenko, O. V. Linyucheva ; editor-in-chief V. Z. Barsukov. - Kyiv : KNUTD, 2020. - С. 131-137.uk
dc.description.abstractThe article describes galvanic galvanizing, explains the reasons for using two types of electrolytes, and calculates the unit price of electrolytes. The costs of alkaline and weakly acid galvanizing electrolytes have been calculated. The reduction of the cost of chemicals for alkaline and weakly acidic solutions to the unit of volume of the electrolyte makes it possible to choose the most successful variant of the electrolyte for galvanizing products from hardened and mild steels. The composition of the electrolyte of electrochemical etching was developed, and the reduced cost of electrolytes was found. The composition of the electrolyte of electrochemical etching was developed and the reduced cost of electrolytes was found. The analysis of economic indicators of units of volumes of electrolytes gives the chance to choose for operation electrolytes of galvanizing with low indicators of cost and to use domestic shining-forming compositions.en
dc.subjectcyanide solutionsen
dc.subjectanodic etchingen
dc.titleЕкономічні фактори при обранні варіантів електролітів лужного та кислого цинкуванняuk
dc.title.alternativeEconomic factors for considering of composition of alkaline and acid electrolytes of zinc plating
local.contributor.altauthorTkachenko, A.en
local.contributor.altauthorYarmolenko, S.en
local.sourcePromising materials and processes in applied electrochemistry – 2020uk
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