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dc.contributor.authorKugai, Kseniia-
dc.identifier.citationKugai K. Foreign-language communication difficulties. Psychological aspect / K. Kugai // Multidisciplinární mezinárodní vědecký magazín "Věda a perspektivy". – 2022. – № 1 (8). – P. 98-107.uk
dc.identifier.issn2695-1584 (Print)uk
dc.identifier.issn2695-1592 (Online)uk
dc.description.abstractIn the article the author reveals the essence of communication concept, substantiates various communication functions, analyzes its structure and proposes different models of communication. Understanding the essence of communication is important. Communication is an integral part of any human activity, while having a social nature. And it is possible to talk about activity only when it is social in nature. Therefore, it can be argued that any human activity is impossible without communication. Thus, communication is an important element of human activity. The paper analyzes the concept of a “language barrier” and the essence of the difficulties that arise when mastering the skills of foreign-language communication. The language barrier arises when it is difficult to communicate, to explain one’s own position or understand the interlocutor’s point of view. The problem of organizing effective communication involves studying the rules of communication, identifying its oriented basis and building strategies using different types of feedback in communication. The paper presents a number of basic recommendations for overcoming language barriers and difficulties in mastering foreign-language communication skills. It is necessary to constantly improve the native language and one’s own language culture. The language barrier prevents people from communicating if the vocabulary is small. You need to continually enrich your vocabulary. Reading aloud also helps to overcome the language barrier. In the process of reading aloud the habit of correct pronunciation is developed, after which it will be easier to communicate with the interlocutor. Conversational practice is the most effective way of overcoming the language barrier. In the process of communicating in a foreign language, you will be able to quickly improve your speaking skills to the required level. Therefore, among the key scientific methods of teaching foreign-language communication is the communicative method.uk
dc.subjectforeign languageuk
dc.subjectcommunication barriersuk
dc.titleForeign-language communication difficulties. Psychological aspectuk
dc.title.alternativeТруднощі іншомовної комунікації. Психологічний аспектuk
local.contributor.altauthorКугай, Ксенія Борисівна-
local.subject.sectionСоціально-гуманітарні наукиuk
local.sourceMultidisciplinární mezinárodní vědecký magazín “Věda a perspektivy”uk
local.subject.facultyІнститут права та сучасних технологійuk
local.identifier.sourceЗарубіжні виданняuk
local.subject.departmentКафедра філології та перекладу (ФП)uk
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації (статті)
Кафедра філології та перекладу (ФП)

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