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dc.contributor.authorKyzymchuk, Olena-
dc.contributor.authorUgbolue, Samuel C.-
dc.identifier.citationKyzymchuk O. The effect of positioning of inlaid yarns in fillet warp knit structures / Olena Kyzymchuk, Samuel C. Ugbolue // The 46th International Federation of Knitting Technologists Congress (IFKT 2012), 6-8 September 2012, Sinaia, Romania. - Book of proceedings - P.764-769uk
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents results of an investigation on the design options available for positioning the inlaid yarn in fillet warp knit structures. The geometry and structural parameters using our previously published methodology are also presented. It is shown, for example, that if inlaying guide bar does the shifting behind the needles at two needle pitch (variants 1.11-1.13, Table.1) the filling yarn wraps the junctures from G1 ground yarns according to repeat. This position of in-laying yarn provides good stability in the fabric structure, which improves with the amount of wrapping. Thus, the different positions of the inlaid yarn within the structures offer other possibilities that could be explored when designing fillet warp knit auxetic structures. The array of data for the various design options provide analytical tool for making comparisons about the physical, structural and mechanical properties of the warp knit fillet structures. It is observed that the position of in-laying yarn has some effect on stretch characteristics of warp knit structuresuk
dc.publisherThe 46th International Federation of Knitting Technologists Congressuk
dc.subjectfillet warp knituk
dc.subjectin-laying yarnuk
dc.subjectfabric geometryuk
dc.subjectstructural parameteruk
dc.subjectmechanical propertiesuk
dc.titleThe effect of positioning of inlaid yarns in fillet warp knit structuresuk
local.subject.facultyФакультет індустрії модиuk
Розташовується у зібраннях:Матеріали наукових конференцій та семінарів
Кафедра технології моди (ТМ)

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