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dc.contributor.authorAndreyeva, Olga-
dc.contributor.authorMaistrenko, Lesia-
dc.identifier.citationAndreyeva O. Experimental Study of New Collagen-containing Preparations / O. Andreyeva, L. Maistrenko // American Chemical Science Journal . – 2016. – 10 (2). – P. 1-6.uk
dc.description.abstractLeather industry is one of the main sources of collagen-containing raw materials. Therefore, effective recycling of these raw materials into marketable products is a pressing problem not only for leather industry but also for other branches of national economy. In the present work, we have studied into new collagen-containing preparations, derived from untanned by-products of leather industry. The size of particles in collagen preparations was assessed using microscopy. Chemical analysis was carried out under chemical research technique. IR spectroscopy has revealed the presence of various functional groups in the structure of developed preparations. Based on the results of experimental data, we concluded that new collagen-containing preparations can be used in many sectors of national economy.uk
dc.subjectleather wastesuk
dc.titleExperimental study of new collagen-containing preparationsuk
dc.title.alternativeДослідження нових колагенвмісних препаратівuk
local.contributor.altauthorАндреєва, Ольга Адіславівна-
local.contributor.altauthorМайстенко, Леся Анатоліївна-
local.subject.sectionХімічні технології та екологічна безпекаuk
local.sourceAmerican Chemical Science Journaluk
local.subject.facultyФакультет хімічних та біофармацевтичних технологійuk
local.identifier.sourceЗарубіжні виданняuk
local.subject.departmentКафедра біотехнології, шкіри та хутраuk
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра біотехнології, шкіри та хутра (БШХ)
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