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Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 21 до 40 з 190
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2023Zarzadzanie zespolem – aktualne wyzwania dla menedzera w warunkach kryzysowychRippel, Grzegorz; Huzar, Uliana
2023Theoretical and methodological aspects of management of the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises under military conditionsOlshanska, Oleksandra; Puzyrova, Polina
2023Quality management of business processes in the context of achieving sustainable development of fashion industry enterprisesBondarenko, Svitlana
2023Social responsibility in higher education: challenges and opportunitiesMiahkykh, I. M.
2023The main components of the management system for the development of the potential of cluster integrated business structuresGrechyshkin, Yu.
2023Transformative innovations, virtual exchange, and collaborative leadership: reshaping higher education for the global digital world Web 4.0Cherniavska, Olena; Gryshchenko, Ivan; Hanushchak-Yefimenko, L. M.; Olshanska, Oleksandra; Cherniavska, Oleksandra
2023Systematization of scientific concepts and theories of the formation of cluster-united enterprisesShkoda, M. S.; Onofriichuk, Ya.
2022The role of digitalization in the social responsibility of universitiesBielialov, Taliat
2022The efficiency of distance education in the socio-economic context of structural-innovative changesYatsenko, V.
2022Vector formation of the strategy of innovative development of agrarian enterprises in the conditions of European integration of UkraineTurbovets, S.
2022Formation of digital competencies of human capital of machine-building enterprisesMelnychuk, V.; Boiarynova, K.
2022The main factors of influence on the competitiveness of products of enterprises of the flour industryBabaev, I. O.
2022Territory and region development as an object of crisis managementHuriev, V.
2022The role of marketing technologies in the post-war recovery of the Luxury segment in UkraineSvintsitska, N.
2022Efficiency analysis of using the scientific potential in the Ukrainian higher education systemVlasiuk, T.; Bondarchuk, Julia; Fastovets, N.
2022European integration strategy for tourism development of UkrainePuzyrova, Polina
2022The current state of the tourist industry of Ukraine and the prospects of its integration into the European UnionOlshanska, Oleksandra; Puzyrova, Polina
2022Social responsibility of higher education institutions in times of crisis and armed conflict: international experience and lessons for UkraineHanushchak-Yefimenko, L. M.; Danko, Yu.; Plavčan, P.
2022Modelowanie procesow zarzadzania wspolpraca szkol wyzszychVitkovskyi, Yu.; Rebilas, R.
2022Management in the world and in UkraineKalyta, P.
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 21 до 40 з 190