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dc.contributor.authorNatroshvili, Svitlana-
dc.identifier.citationNatroshvili S. Budget Planning as the Problem of the Management of the National Economy / S. Natroshvili // Modern Science. - 2017. - № 2. - pp. 9-13.uk
dc.description.abstractThe paper examines the goals and objectives of budget planning, the annual, mid- term and long-term kinds of planning. In the article is defined the specificity of the traditіonal planning for a fixed term, forecasting the economic structure of expenditure, the prediction of the functional structure of expenses, the program medium-term expenditure planning. Methods of budget planning, such as line-item (normative) budgeting, index method, performance-based budgeting, target-oriented and expert techniques are systematized; their strengths and weaknesses are identified.uk
dc.subjectbudget planning perspectiveuk
dc.subjectnormative budgetinguk
dc.subjectindex methoduk
dc.subjectperformance-based budgetinguk
dc.subjectprogram-target methoduk
dc.titleBudget Planning as the Problem of the Management of the National Economyuk
dc.title.alternativeБюджетне планування як проблема управління національною економікоюuk
local.contributor.altauthorНатрошвілі, Світлана Геннадіївна-
local.subject.sectionЕкономіка, фінанси, менеджментuk
local.sourceModern Scienceuk
local.sourceModerni vedauk
local.subject.facultyІнститут комп'ютерних технологій та дизайнуuk
local.identifier.sourceЗарубіжні виданняuk
local.subject.departmentКафедра комп'ютерної інженерії та фундаментальних дисциплінuk
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