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dc.contributor.authorKolumbet, A. N.-
dc.contributor.authorDudorova, L. Yu.-
dc.identifier.citationKolumbet A. N. Methodic of perfection of higher pedagogical educational establishments girl students' rhythm / A. N. Kolumbet, L. Yu. Dudorova // Physical Education of Students. – 2016. – Vol. 20, No. 3. – P. 4-12.uk
dc.description.abstractPurpose: to study influence of methodic of rhythm perfection on girl students’ coordination abilities. Material: in the research 264 girl students participated. We assessed individual and collective rhythm, internal and external motor rhythm; rhythm in exercises with musical accompaniment. Results: we have determined that creative motor tasks require variable conditions for their realization. We have proved demand in appropriate criteria for their assessment. It is noted that there is a demand in development of rhythm, considering its main kinds and manifestations, which are formed with some peculiarities. Individual rhythm is determined by activation of attention and its level. It is perfected more successfully rather with stimulated development than with natural. It was found that with age the character of natural progressing of rhythm preserves. Conclusions: it is recommended to develop rhythm in compliance with its kinds and manifestations. Progressing and perfection of rhythm is a long lasted process and shall be realized during all period of girl students’ studying. Such approach forms girl students’ demand in finding of purposeful motor rhythm in all their new motor actions. It ensures optimality of their fulfillment.uk
dc.subjectphysical educationuk
dc.subjectcoordination abilitiesuk
dc.subjectgirl studentsuk
dc.titleMethodic of perfection of higher pedagogical educational establishments girl students' rhythmuk
local.subject.sectionСоціально-гуманітарні наукиuk
local.sourcePhysical Education of Studentsuk
local.subject.facultyФакультет культурних і креативних індустрійuk
local.identifier.sourceВидання, які входять до міжнародних наукометричних БД Scopus та Web of Scienceuk
local.subject.departmentКафедра фізичного виховання та здоров'яuk
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Кафедра фізичного виховання та здоров'я (ФВЗ)

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