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Додати фільтри:

Використовуйте фільтри для уточнення результатів пошуку.

Результати 8761-8770 зі 8951.
Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2020Management system formation for effectiveness of institutions of higher education academic activitiesTarasenko, I. O.; Chernysh, Olga; Verhun, Antonina; Bondarchuk, Julia
2019Financing of higher education in UkraineTarasenko, O. S.; Tsymbalenko, N.
2019Formation of state financial policy in the sphere of higher education and scienceTsymbalenko, N.; Tarasenko, O. S.
2018Strategic priorities of higher education development in UkraineTarasenko, I. O.; Tsymbalenko, N.; Tarasenko, O. S.
30-жов-2016Optimization of leather material filling-plasticizing process using disperse systemDanylkovych, A.; Sanginova, Olga; Chervinskyi, V.
бер-2021Towards optimisation of hydrophobizing composition in the fur productionDanylkovych, A.; Sanginova, Olga; Shakhnovsky, A. M.
26-жов-2023An effective indicator determination for the leather material uniformity assessmentDanylkovych, A.; Sanginova, Olga
лют-2015Dielectric properties of lyotropic magnetic liquid crystalKopсanský, P.; Tomco, L.; Jadzyn, J.; Swiergie, J.; Majorosová, J.; Kubovcíková, M.; Timko, M.; Rajnák, M.; Siposová, K.; Gasová, Z.; Bednariková, Z.; Tomašovičová, N.; Chin-Kun, Hue; Hayryane, S.; Studenyak, I. P.; Kovalchuk, T. M.; Kovalchuk, Oleksandr
2010Computer simulation of transport phenomena in porous structures using cellular automata methodOcheretna, Larysa
2014Sensitivity of 6CHBT liquid crystal doped with ferro electric or magnetic particles to electric and magnetic fieldsMajorosová, J.; Tomašovičová, N.; Timko, M.; Koneracká, M.; Studenyak, I. P.; Kovalchuk, Oleksandr; Kovalchuk, S. O.; Jadzyn, J.; Kop£anský, P.