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Title: Characterisation of electrospun fibers made of PVA or PVAc and collagen derivative
Authors: Koliada, Maksym
Ishchenko, Olena
Plavan, V. P.
Bessarabov, Volodymyr
Keywords: collagen
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: Characterisation of electrospun fibers made of PVA or PVAc and collagen derivative / M. Koliada, O. Ishchenko, V. P. Plavan, V. Bessarabov // Vlákna a textil (Fibres and Textiles). – 2018. – № 2, Vol. 25, June. – P. 48-51.
Source: Fibres and Textiles
Vlákna a textil
Abstract: One of the greatest potential in electrospun fiber is the area of bioengineering. For many biomedical applications, the materials used have to be biocompatible, thus natural polymers have a distinct advantage over synthetic materials. In this study, electrospinning of collagen derivative (CD) of porcine skin with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) were carried out. We investigated morphology of the prepared fibers. The optimal distance between syringe needle and collector was 9-12 cm. Obtained nonwoven materials from PVAc and PVA with the addition of Gelatin and Collagen derivative have a diameter of fibers in the range of 0.502-0.894 μm and 0.443-0.895 μm for PVAc:CD and PVA:CD composition respectively.
Faculty: Факультет хімічних та біофармацевтичних технологій
Department: Кафедра прикладної екології, технології полімерів та хімічних волокон
ISSN: 1335-0617
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації (статті)
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Кафедра хімічних технологій та ресурсозбереження (ХТР)

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