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Результати 1421-1428 зі 1428.
Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
лис-2023Проєктування творчої колекції моделей комплектів жіночого одягуЄжова, О. В.; Шибовська, Я. Я.
4-сер-2023Decorative trim in the collections of fashion houses of the 20th – 21st centuries: evolution, modern techniquesPashkevich, Kalina; Yezhova, Olga; Chuprina, Nataliia; Shmagalo, Rostyslav; Liu, Jiangxin; Petrova, Olga
2021Definition of the main features of material assemblies for thermal protective clothing during external high-temperature effect modellingOstapenko, Nataliia; Kolosnichenko, M. V.; Tretiakova, Larysa; Lutsker, T. V.; Pashkevich, Kalina; Rubanka, Alla; Tokar, Halyna
24-чер-2021The features of design-projecting of clothing collections on the principle of Zero wastePashkevich, Kalina; Petrosyan, David
кві-2023Modern trends in ecological preservation of textile materials in the fashion industryStruminska, T.; Lutsker, T. V.; Frolov, Ivan; Vesela, Yulia; Mamchenko, Yana
2019Development of design project decision for protecting clothing for the emergency-rescue works in aviationRubanka, Alla; Lutsker, T. V.; Ostapenko, Nataliia; Tokar, Galina; Tretyakova, Larisa; Kolosnichenko, M. V.
2019Formation of structure of protective clothing assortment and its elements on the basis of transformation principlesOstapenko, Natalia; Kolosnichenko, O. V.; Tretyakova, Larusa; Lutsker, T. V.; Rubanka, Alla; Tokar, Halyna
лис-2020Features of blouses in ethnic style during the in the period XX - early XXI centuryFrolov, Ivan; Holovchanska, Yevheniia; Kredenets, N. D.