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Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 121 до 140 з 190
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2019Innovative technologies as a factor of increasing the competitiveness of hotel and restaurant enterprisesDovbush, V.
2019Increasing business process results in IT-outsourcing enterprisesGrechyshkin, Yu.
2019Theoretical bases of management of enterprise risksZabashta, Ye.
2016Methodical approach to the definition of HoReCa brand efficiencyNifatova, O.
2016Providing of intense textile industry enterprises development by applying creative management technologiesPavlov, V.
2016Ensuring the effectiveness of management decisions in higher education: methodical approachesMorgulets, Oksana
2016Planning of educational services in universities in the contex of branding conceptPlysenko, G.; Vitryak, T.
2016The paradigm of rural development as attractor of multifunctional integration of Ukraine into the world economyTkachuk, V.
2016Professional training for registered unemployed in public employment services in terms of system transformationBalashova, N.
2016Crisis management in the banking systemKravchenko, V.
2016Corporate social responsibility as a basis for development strategyBaula, A.
2016Government regulators of forming and market development of Ukraine and intellectual property and post–soviet spaceDobrovol'skaya, I.
2016Evaluating the effectiveness of the use of integrated organizational structures of exhibition marketing as a factor of hotel and restaurant business developmentKrakhmalova, N.
2016Risk management of integrated structures in the hotel and restaurant businessLisun, Y.
2016Organizational and economic instruments of formation and development of clusters in the regional economyGotra, V.
2016Assessment of competitive investment attractiveness of enterprises of hotel and restaurant businessKulak, A.
2016Modernization of quality management system of higher education institutionsShevchenko, O.
2016Raising of economic security of hotel and restaurant businessVerhun, Antonina
2016Determination of the optimal concentration level of hospitality industry enterprises for sustainable development of the tourist destinationGerasymchuk, N.
2016Innovative enterprise in ukraine as basis of economic developmentPrudnikova, N.
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 121 до 140 з 190