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Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 101 до 120 з 190
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2019Peculiarities of reforming the energy resources market of UkraineSolonenchuk, I.
2019The role of innovation in the development of Ukraine's competitive economy in the context of globalizationShcherbak, V.; Varenyk, D.
2019Public-private partnership as an effective tool for state regulation of innovative development of transport infrastructureDmytriieva, O.
2019World experience of franchising relationsKulak, N.
2019SWOT alternative strategies as a marketing policy tool of Bank Alliance JSCDovbush, V.
2019Research on the possibility of innovative integration of Ukraine and the EUShcherbak, V.
2019Method of assessment of enterprise ready for outsourcing implementationMorhulets, Oksana; Nyshenko, Olena
2019Regulatory provision of public procurement system in the context of European integration of UkraineMurovana, L.
2019Cluster education management concept through the prism of financial risk optimization and resource supportPuzyrova, Polina
2019International marketing and marketing audit in the context of European integration and globalizationZyma, O.; Ptashchenko, O. V.; Shevchenko, I.; Afanasieva, O.
2019Concept of management and formation of financial potential of cluster unionsPuzyrova, Polina
2019Cluster fundamentals for the development of integrated business structuresDudko, P.
2019Assessment of cluster textile entrepreneurship efficiencySavchuk, N.
2019Structure of logistic transportation customs complexDudorova, T.
2019Grounds for selection of the energy market government regulation toolTkachuk, V.; Solonenchuk, I.
2019Modeling of the organization of interaction of participants of the management process of cluster cooperation developmentKrakhmalova, N.; Krakhmalova, T.; Kozlovskij, V.
2019Cluster enterprises as interactive form for implementation of business ideas with socially important population representationsGryshchenko, Ivan; Ganushchak-Yefimenko, Liudmyla; Shcherbak, V.
2019Creation of an integrated open coworking center for innovation entrepreneurship in higher education institutionsGoncharenko, I.; Išoraitė, Margarita
2019Creation of interactive platform for ATO veterans of entrepreneurship trainingShkoda, M. S.; Pečiūrienė, A.
2019Development of small and medium enterprises among participants of OJFs and IDPsNifatova, O.; Turcinskaite-Balciuniene, A.
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 101 до 120 з 190