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Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2021Adaptation of students to research and professional activities based on the use of the university Hackathon ecosystemGoncharenko, I.
2021Development of the innovative potential of young people on the basis of the use of the university Hackathon ecosystemKrakhmalova, N.
2021Determining whether the prototype Hackathon ecosystem for technology transfer in a higher education institution meets the needs of stakeholdersKrakhmalova, N.
2021Conceptual model of the Hackathon ecosystem of technology transfer in an institution of higher educationGoncharenko, I.
2021Using the Hackaton ecosystem for youth employment foresight: scale, structure and functionsHanushchak-Yefimenko, L. M.; Arabuli, Svitlana; Rębilas, R.
2021Methodology and technology of Hackathon ecosystem to engage university faculty and students in innovation and entrepreneurship in the context of reducing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemicShcherbak, V.; Arabuli, Svitlana
2021Using the Hackathon ecosystem for social and professional integration of youth in the frameworks of structural and social changeGoncharenko, I. M.; Krakhmalova, N.
2021Youth secondary employment incentives based on the Hackathon ecosystem to promote professionalization and social integrationGoncharenko, I. M.; Krakhmalova, N.
2021Foresight for social and labor mobility of youth based on the use of the Hackathon ecosystemNifatova, O.; Arabuli, Svitlana; Rębilas, R.